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300TPH River Pebble Crusher Plant in Chongqing

  • Material:River Pebbles
  • Capacity:300TPH
  • Equipment:KPC1313 hard rock crusher 3YKZ2480 vibrating screen 2YKZ2480 vibrating screen

300TPH River Pebble Crusher Plant in Chongqing

Project profile

  • Time:May 2017
  • Material:River Pebbles
  • Capacity:300TPH
  • Specification:0-5 5-10 10-16 16-27
  • Equipment:KPC1313 hard rock crusher 3YKZ2480 vibrating screen 2YKZ2480 vibrating screen
  • On-site Circumstance

    Relying on local river pebble resource, the customer invests such a 300tph stone crushing line. Our KPC1313 hard rock crusher adopts the rotor with two rows of hammers, so it can fully crush the materials. Hydraulic cylinder pulls the the shell to move left and right around the rotor so that it can easily adjust the gap between hammers and main shaft without manpower. 

    Customer Review

    We intended to select gyratory crusher as primary crushing equipment since rive pebble has high hardness. After knowing that Dingli also manufactures hard rock crusher especially for river pebble we decided to have a try since it costs less than gyratory crusher. To our surprise the grain shape of final materials is beyond our expectation so the crushed stone has a good sales in local market. 

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