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Application of LPR Technology in Marketing System

Release Date:2016-11-19Click times:159 Edited by:admin
After many stages of development of LPR technology in marketing system, it finally reaches into the stage of unmanned registration and loading.

 Since the application of stone marketing management system, it has developed and improved a lot. Only the input of car license in entrance registration has three stages:

1.  Hand-Typing

This is the earliest input way without considering the users’ computer skill which is not utility.

2.  Click Virtual Keyboard with Mouse



As the picture shows, you only need input the license by mouse in the dialogue box after opening truck registration interface. Then it will popup a virtual keyboard of province abbreviation, letter, and number so that operator only need click this virtual keyboard with mouse, which can also be used by unskillful computer users.

3.  LPR Input

Lighting snapshot and interface of HIK Vision are adopted in the system software to identify the vehicle license.



As the picture shows, if operator click the dialogue box of “truck registration”, LPR machine will automatically give a snapshot and recognition. And the picture will appear in the dialogue. This expresses the features of simple and convenient operation with higher input speed.

With the development of technology and enhancing of modernized construction of stone industry, I'd like to forecast unmanned registration and loading.

This is available in barrel silo with the process low as follows:



With unmanned registration and loading and non-intellectual card, the process is more simple and reliable.


